Saturday, February 14, 2015

Free Writing Day 11

Valentine's Day, and Trees


Today is Valentine's Day. I am blissfully single. No, really. I couldn't be happier with that fact. I have seen too many people who settled just for the sake of "being with someone", and they're miserable. I am patient enough to wait for someone I deserve, and who deserves me...I'm not going to throw away my happiness because society judges me for being single.

That being said, I had a wonderful day with my parents. We had gone up to Bennett Spring State Park yesterday, and we were just enjoying the beauty. It's amazingly peaceful and relaxing to be completely away from the city and the noise. I'm getting ready to gleefully kick them out the door and send them to a romantic dinner so that I can have some alone time. Bad movies, Backstreet Boys, wine, and video games, here I come!

All morning, I was surrounded by trees. Trees and silence. It was spectacular. I can't even really find the words. I am so busy and stressed out this semester, I desperately need that time away from it all. I am an extremely introverted person, and so being able to disappear into the woods and not see or hear another person for half an hour was the perfect recharge. I came home feeling totally refreshed and ready for next week.

Sometimes I think about moving to London...then I realize that I would actually want to move to a smaller town near London proper, so I could be away from people and near trees. I know, I contact is necessary for survival, but I only need small doses!

I hope everyone has had a nice day today. I hope you got to spend time with someone you love, be it a romantic partner, family, or friends. Make sure you tell the people you cherish that you love them whenever you can...don't wait for a commercialized holiday in February! <3

Namarie, compadres.

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