Monday, February 16, 2015

Free Writing Day 13

Snowy Days and "Star Wars"


This morning, I am immensely grateful for the electric fireplace we brought back from my grandma's house. I am currently sitting beside it, feeling the way its warmth combats the chilly air around me. It's really pretty to look at to boot. I am also grateful for the invention known as coffee; that wonderful brown liquid that makes functioning a possibility each morning. On snowy days like today, I love nothing more than wrapping my hands around my hot mug and curling up with a good book. That will have to wait until this afternoon, when I've finished a fraction of the Herculean amount of schoolwork for this week. *sigh*

I am also enjoying a nice cup of "Star Wars" yogurt. Yes, that's right...I'm eating strawberry banana yogurt in a Darth Vader cup. I had a mini nerd girl moment when I discovered the package at the store yesterday...and my excitement earned me a few "What's up with that crazy lady" stares. Ask me if I care. Go ahead, ask me. Nope, sure don't!

My parents are both home with me, which is nice. I was worried about my Dad driving to work before the sun came up, because the roads are apparently really bad. I'm glad we can all be home together, safe and warm. I may try to talk them into watching "The Fifth Estate" later...and I need to catch up on "Supernatural" before tomorrow night's new episode. I'm four weeks behind, due to the amount of homework I've had each week. *another sigh*

If I muster up the courage, I might just go build a snowman and/or snow sculptures. I wonder if my limited artistic abilities would permit me to create Bag End? Haha, probably not.

Namarie, Snow People.

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