Monday, February 2, 2015

C'est Mon Credo

Google the words to the Apostle’s Creed. That essentially sums up my religious views.

I love my family more than myself, I would do anything to protect them. I am never angrier than when someone hurts my loved ones, I have bitten the heads off of some of my closest friends in defense of family.

I believe in equality. No one is below your notice, everyone is important. Treat everyone with a certain amount of respect, unless they do something to lose it. I’ll trust you until you give me cause not to, then I’ll give you hundreds of chances…but the trust and relationship will ebb away a little more each time. I hate being overlooked by people who believe they are above me, for whatever reason. We are all on equal footing.

Special needs does not mean incompetent. Just because it takes a child with Down Syndrome five months of stubborn battles with their teacher before they will sign “Hello” to someone does not mean that they are incapable. Calling them “unteachable”, to say that they cannot achieve things because of their diagnosis is a sin. They may need more prodding, but they can and will achieve great things, if you set the bar for them. Expect them to be dimwitted and helpless, & they will not disappoint. Expect them to learn sign language, their colors, how to act around others, to read, to write….they will not disappoint. If I could, I’d shout this from the rooftops: Push them!

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