Saturday, February 7, 2015

Free Writing Day 4


Weekends and Vacations

It’s Saturday. Hallelujah. I love the weekend. I can relax, focus on school, and spend time with my parents. I love being the first one awake, and being able to sit and sip my coffee in silence. Later, I’ll probably cook breakfast, then dive back into my textbooks. Today is my day to make myself do something fun, be it reading, writing, playing Minecraft, or going to the bookstore. It’s hard to really stop working. Even on the precious weekend, I find myself thinking about next week at work, wondering how the kids will be, what Thursday will be like (class parties, woohoo!), etc. To make myself shut that off, to truly jump into my free-time stuff…it’s hard!

How many of us actually enjoy our time off? I was thinking about this last night. So many weekends, I find myself cramming the hours full of “things to do”. Why? Why do we need to fill our empty time? Why don’t we, as human beings, feel comfortable with that “quiet time”? Maybe it’s because we’re not comfortable with our own thoughts. I know I struggle with this sometimes. I need something to distract me from what my brain is trying to think. I’m thinking of vacations here, too. So many years, we planned vacations jam-packed with activities, and returned home more exhausted than when we left. Why? I like the way we do vacations now. We go somewhere, and plan one activity per day, but the rest of the time, we just hang out. We relax, watch movies, go for drives, whatever. It’s much more rejuvenating than an “EPIC!” trip. Maybe I’m just getting old (hahaha), but I prefer calm and easygoing than frantic rushing around trying to see all the sights. Make more than one trip to a destination, make several. See the tourist attractions, but spread them out over your lifetime.

Always take books on vacation. Take a reader, take a bag full of real books. Most of my luggage is usually books…I take one from each genre, just in case. Why? Because vacations are for staying up late, and reading until the sun comes up. I took “To Kill a Mockingbird” on a vacation when I was in middle school, and read it on the way there, while we were there, and again on the way home. I couldn’t put it down…it was amazing, and it required several readings. I have books in my purse, books in my laptop case, books in my clothes bag. I know it sounds weird to take that many books on vacation, a time when you’re supposed to be going out and doing, but I love to have a plethora of choices when we come back to the hotel room.

Speaking of vacations, I can’t wait to add London, Scotland, Italy, and Germany to the list of places I’ve seen. I want to get out of here, I want to travel the world! I feel like Belle from Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast”…”I want adventure in the great, wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell. And for once, it might be grand to have someone understand…I want so much more than they’ve got planned.” Viva la relaxing vacations!

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