Sunday, February 15, 2015

Free Writing Day 12



Today, Mom and I were talking about how we both need to complete our novels. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect, it doesn’t matter if it contains everything you want…just finish it. Put the pen to the paper, the fingers to the keyboard, and finish. Go back and edit later. I get so stuck in rewriting certain segments that I get bogged down and never finish a book. I need to work on being able to tie up a story, and then worry about polishing it.

I would love to look at something I had written and say, “Yep, I did that. I finished writing a book.” I’m not sure I would ever send it to a publisher, but who knows? The world is my oyster, as the saying goes, and I can do anything I want. I just need the drive and the discipline to make it happen. I know that I have it in me, it’s just making the time for yet another commitment.

I should like very much to attempt to write both a fantasy adventure and a real-life tale. I would push myself to do the latter only for the sake of branching out of my comfort zone. My Mom also suggested that I write a book on grieving. I think this might be a beneficial exercise for me, to catalogue my pain and give words of advice to those going through the same thing, and also to the people who are in their lives.

This summer (after I finish yet another class), I’m going to put the pedal to the metal and finish one of the books I’ve started. I currently have around five skeletons of stories, and a trilogy. I think I’ll work on completing book one of the trilogy, and possibly one of the other stories as well. Then I’ll go back to school and work full time in the fall, and maybe work on another section of my works over an extended break, like Christmas. My goal is to have everything that I’ve started finished by the time I graduate with my teaching degree. Maybe after I get my own classroom, I’ll feel confident enough to send one of them off for review. Who knows?

So, classmates, if you have a projected started, make the time to finish it. It helps you feel accomplished, and as though you can do anything you set your mind to. Yes, it’s hard to find time in our busy schedules, it’s hard to balance work, school, and family, but the time to do the things that inspire us is now. Don’t put it off, or you’ll end up regretting it later.

Namarie, my fellow hard-workers.


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