Friday, February 27, 2015

Free Writing Post 25


In Memoriam

I really struggled with what to write tonight. I've been sitting here with open for two hours, and kept putting it off, because I was so uninspired.

While talking with a classmate (by the way, the six degrees of separation thing is SO true!), I was thinking about the young people I know who have passed away too soon. She and I have a mutual friend, a girl named Haley. She passed away from ALS almost six years ago. Wow. As I'm typing this, I can't believe it's been that long. Wow, wow, wow. She was an amazingly sweet young woman, who was spunky and full of life. She and I became friends, and I am still friends with her mom...she was taken away far too soon.

Another young lady I had the privilege to work with was J.J. Johal. She had MS, and I was able to become her friend as well through my job. We stayed in touch until her death a couple of years ago.

The biggest loss has definitely been my baby brother. He passed away from complications of Crohn's Disease in November 2010. I know how the families of those girls must feel. I know the pain and devastation that kind of death brings. You think you have all the time in the world, and then...they're gone. Grief makes you an island, and it casts a shadow on everything. It can strike in an instant. You think you're doing ok, and then BAM! You're overwhelmed with memories.

So, in closing...take the time to tell your family and friends that you love them. Give them a hug whenever you see them, because you never know.


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